Hogan Guards compensated one of their security guards, Lazarus Nskian, with a cash reward for finding and returning ₦78,000 ($200) left behind by a customer at the Sterling Bank location where he works. He turned the funds in to his supervisors.

In addition to rewarding him financially, Mr. Nskian was honored by Hogan Guards’ management team for his good deed and the company bought him lunch. You can read the full story here.
Hogan Guards also rewarded another guard, William Okogbue, after he discovered $10,000 at the Ecobank location where he worked and turned the money in to authorities.
Okogbue was transported from Abuja to the company’s Lagos headquarters where he was honored by management and rewarded financially for his integrity. He was story was featured on several major news outlets. You can read more about Okogbue’s story here.