In today’s world, as the use of technology gadgets becomes prominent, people tend to depend more on their use, and we are faced with people who have become more sophisticated in their techniques to scam citizens of their money electronically which has become a major area of concern.

With the advent of point of sales system (POSS) banking services have been made easy but certainly not all transactions can be handled by a POS operator, as many merchants venture into the business without adequate knowledge and information, they are faced with different challenges like fraud, robbery, attacks, kidnapping, and client complaint from the undelivered transaction to unreversed fund.

What is POS?

 The word (POS) simply put, means a point of sale, It can also be referred to as a point of purchase (POP), it is a place where a customer executes the payment for goods or services, it can also be referred to as a place where a transaction is completed while the word point of sale system (POSS) is an electronic machinery that enables you to perform sales transactions, i.e paying bills, accept payments, and checking out customers.


  1. Easy and Available.
  2. No queueing.
  3. Fast and speedy service delivery.
  4.  Assessable anytime.
  5. Its handy.


  1. Copying client’s cards details
  2. Security Risk
  3. Physical attacks
  4. Malware virus
  5. High service charge
  6. Excessive spending


  • Don’t give out any personal information to operators other than your ID
  • Always be at alert
  • Don’t let your card out of your sight
  • Don’t ever sign any receipt
  • Don’t share your PIN to anyone, not even family members.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and have your card ready, as you approach the POS
  • Don’t expose your PIN when entering it at the point of sale
  • Verify the transaction value prior to finalizing your transaction and before leaving.
  • Check your statements regularly or review all your transaction activity 


ADEQUATE INFORMATION: This aspect is very crucial to any business, before starting any business it is very important to do research about the business in other to have an insight so that when faced with challenges it will be easy to know the next step to take.  on the regulations and requirements of operating as a pay service agent, how to handle your device POS of the machine, how to dictate customers or clients with hidden motives, how to handle cash, how to address customers, (customers service relations)

LOCATION: It is also very important to consider location in any business and as a service agent it is important to consider the proximity of the business to the bank, population, and security of the environment.

SECURITY: This is very crucial for cash transactions business to protect both the client and the operator and other people from criminal attacks or being robbed. It will be helpful to install surveillance cameras in strategic areas to monitor such businesses or employ the service of undercover agents.

STAFFS: Employing trustworthy staff for the purpose of such business is very important, a person that can easily be traced in case of any fraudulent transaction, because they will be exposed to certain sensitive information some employees can be influenced by their friends or peers to sell their employer out to robbers, or they can defraud clients by selling out clients’ sensitive information to criminals. It is also important to educate staff on the possibility and risks involved in such business.

 CASH HANDLING:  Handing cash with caution is very important, don’t expose large sums of money in the presence of customers while counting, it is also advisable not to go home late with large amount of money, it is wise to deposit a such large amount of money in the bank for safety.

As the Christmas festival approaches everyone needs money to spend with families and friends hence there’s a need to be more cautions while making quick transaction to avoid falling victims of fraudsters.